What is the Truth? Part 3

This is how the Intelligence has become manifest as the Universe.

So there is hope for recovery.

For Salvation, for Enlightenment.

To be Enlightened as the Intelligence.

Now we can define this Intelligence.

This Intelligence is both the material and intelligent cause of the Universe.

Let us now extend this definition.

i.e. It is the non-different intelligent and material cause of the Universe.

Then since it is a projection on itself we can further extend this definition.

i.e. It is the non-different intelligent cause and apparent material cause of the Universe.

Via the power of MAYA SHAKTHI it is the apparent material cause.

Just as with the magical power, the magician conjures up a manifest magical show.

So he is both the intelligent cause, and via the magical power the material for the material cause as the power of magic resides in him and has its locus in him.

This is the dance of the Universe, what an irony.

The objective Universe is dancing with the dance of the atoms, and every individual is correspondingly dancing in his own mind.

What a “BALL” everyone is having, or everyone is literally having a “BALL” to play with.

When a Maharaja was invited to be the chief guest at a football match, when football was first introduced in India he couldn’t comprehend why 22 grown up men should run after one football just to kick it.

So he ordered 22 footballs so that each one could kick his ball to his hearts content.

So each one is having a “ball” with the Universe.

No wonder that the boys love to kick a ball.

Now the girls are also getting into the act.